Dec 7

Qion Toney: Headway Hero

Qion Toney

Qion Toney: Headway Hero

Each month, Headway in Research will feature one internal employee here at Headway Workforce Solutions. We will interview them to give you a more in-depth look into their job. This month we are featuring Qion Toney, one of Headway’s stellar recruiters!

What are your job duties?

Within Headway I am a recruiter, my duties in this position are: Recruit, source, interview, and deal with some employee relations dependent upon the situation.

How do you get through the work day?

Haha, it’s honestly a mixture of patience and passion. I am very passionate about recruiting and HR relations I strongly believe in employing the “best candidate” for a position. The patience is factored in because I constantly have to remind myself that when you’re searching for a “gem”, it’s going to take time. Still, you must be persistent with it! You will find that the payoff will always be worth it.



Who’s your all-time favorite musical artist?

F.A.B…O…but a lot of people will know him as Fabolous. Yes, that is the correct spelling!

Which do you prefer, the mountains or the beach?

Man, that’s a tough one! I can’t swim, but I love the environment of the beach. On the other hand, the scenery of the mountains are one of a kind. If I had to choose, I think it would ultimately be the beach. I like that I can leave when I want and not worry about the climbing down any mountains!

What makes you smile?

I’m a goofy guy so I smile frequently, but the quickest way to bring a smile to my face is either a success or the deliverance of good news.


“If I were a shoe, I’d be a sneaker!”

Use one word to describe Headway:

Family. No matter what project you’re working on, you can always find someone that is willing to lend a helping hand. Plus, it’s easy to start or join a conversation throughout the office no matter the parties involved.

If you were a type of shoe, what would you be?

I would be a sneaker (Most likely Jordan or Nike). I am similar to a sneaker in many ways: I’m very versatile, I adapt to change relatively well, I can gel in diverse groups, and lastly, (but most importantly), I’m easy on the eyes!



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